Escape to the wizardry world in this fast-paced 1v1 strategy card game you can learn in 4 minutes and destroy your opponent in 15 min!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Kickstarter is Complete! FINAL UPDATE (plus how to stay connected)
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 11:27:42 PM
Wow, thank you backers so much! I am so amazed that in just 4 short months we have launched a kickstarter and now over 700 orders are out in 23 countries. Thank you! You made this happen and I will always be grateful for you.
This is our final update on Kickstarter, so no more messages from here (until our next Kickstarter, fingers crossed?). Please subscribe on Arcaven's Duel and YouTube to stay up to date on our new videos and news (hint: I have a few holiday surprises I am working on).
Kickstarter completed
Stretch Goal - We donated the $2,500 to the three organisations (kid's mental health, anti-human trafficking and kids food needs) as soon as we hit $30K in donations! To date we are at over $32K.
We shipped off all the orders, and only a handful or local pickups are left...we beat our own goal of being complete by 11/14 by a week!
New production run - We are also ramping up for a second production run and updating the packaging for broader distribution!
Full Production - Buy now
We are doing 'Buy Now' from our website now ( and even have playmats and Collector's foil cards that we made extra of to get to people for the holidays!
We are in 7 retail stores currently and looking to get into more - we set up a retailer section on our site as well - Retailer Page
I was featured in the Phoenix Sunday paper (see below) and I am going to be at the Children's Business fair on NOV 19 in PHX. I am continuing to take the Kickstarter momentum and get the word out!
My Next Step
Continue to develop my other four games - doing a play test with the next one in DEC, for Wonder Club members (see This is important to me as I want to inspire and help other kids to create. It's a creative studio I am making that will develop new games and also help others to make games that can unite people
I could not have done this without you, thank you! I have a surprise project I am working on for the next few months, so subscribe to the Youtube to see when that hits.
Thank you!
Next wave of shipments - Plus playmats arrived!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 06:01:56 AM
We shipped out another 350 or so orders over the weekend and are working on the next wave now.
We sent out all the single decks, Give1Get1, Holiday packs and Collector's series rewards (without any addons). We packed them all up while singing along to Hamilton and then got them in the mail on Saturday. It was a fun experience to set up an assembly line!
Check out our YouTube
Make sure to head to to watch the instructional video and subscribe to our Arcaven's Duel YouTube as we are adding videos over the coming weeks (live play and strategy, etc)
Playmats arrived
The Playmats arrived Saturday afternoon and so we have been working on getting the packages ready to ships the rewards that had add-ons, the ProKit and the All In! These take little more time as we have to construct the boxes and roll up the playmats, but we'll be sending these out in waves as we get them done.
Check out this newspaper article
I got interviewed a few weeks ago by Christian (who runs a gaming youtube channel) and his story got picked up by AZ Central (a Phoenix newspaper). I am glad that the main image is with Joel, who owns Lazy Trout since he was the first person to give my game a chance! (See full article HERE)
First Wave of Shipments!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 01:47:14 PM
We shipped the Early Bird tier today and the Holiday should be getting them in the next couple of days! Our farthest shipment is going to Japan, that one may take a little longer than to Tulsa, OK! We are going to be shipping the next waves of tiers over the next two weeks (we have over 700 shipments!)
Check out the video to see the packaging to look out for, plus what's included in the shipments AND how to get started with your Arcaven's Duel deck.
In the box (or bubble mailer)
When you get your bright, glowing purple mailer, you will have your rewards (plus any add ons) AND you'll have a pair of dice (Stretch goal!) and a short thank you card. There is also a link there so you can check out which is my creative studio I started to showcase future games and also send members of the Wonder Club early versions of games to test!
Pre-order store is live
We have a pre-order store live on the website - if any of your friends want to get some decks as well. PLUS, there is a retailer section of the site that has an order form for retail stores!
A big thank you for helping me get this far, I am having a blast!
Decks are here - PLUS a pyramid timelapse!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 04:13:53 AM
Wow, it is amazing what you can build with a bunch of boxes of Arcaven's Duel decks (see video and images below)...don't worry, you can make one too if you just order 288 decks!
Now that the decks are coming in we are going to start to send out shipments of the single deck on the look out! We will keep you posted as the playmats start to arrive.
BackerKit surveys - we need your address
We have only 44 people that still need to fill out their BackerKit survey. This is how we get your shipping address, so if you have not submitted one in the last 2 weeks, please check your spam folders for 'BackerKit' or just message me and we can resend it!
New website, first production deck and lots of gold foil!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 01:40:30 AM
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome you gave to the new name: Arcaven's Duel (Thank you Derrick Kempf for all the graphics help!).
Here's a quick update sharing the new website launch:, we just received the first production deck (spoiler alert: they look awesome!) and the Collector's cards arrived (we were floored how good they looked).
You have to watch to the end of the video to see how awesome the holographic and gold foil turned out!
New website!
Our new website is ready for the world - It tells the backstory, has the downloadable instructions, a place for us to put instructional videos AND a Retailer section. This allows retail stores to order right on our website. Your friends can order, too (the site plugs into our pre-order store)...we'd love to spread the word in time for the holidays! Thank you to Todd Watson + the Showit team for helping us with the website, we are thankful for you and your awesome website platform!
Production deck is ready
The decks are all printed and are on their way! They are in customs as of today and should be here soon! I got a preview copy the factory sent as a one off, so I could have a deck early. It looks better than I imagined and I am excited for the world to be able to play! I will keep you updated once they all arrive and share some photos of us packing them all up!
Collector's Cards: GOLD + HOLOGRAPHIC foil
I am amazed at how great these special edition cards turned out. We have a series of 6 special edition cards, plus one super rare. The Collector's series and All in reward levels will get 1 card. Also, we have the full set (including the super rare, 7th card) on the pre-order store. There are only full 6 sets available!
We put each card in a 35pt, ultra-violet protective case, that has a magnetic enclosure...these are truly collector items!